Living & Studying in Antigua, Guatemala.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

50 days and counting!

As I continue to prepare my heart and mind for living abroad for 4 months, I am both plagued by fear and teaming with excitement. One important aspect of being a social worker is understanding oneself. Of course social workers must equip themselves with knowledge of internal and external workings of a human being, but can one truly understand another if he/she has not yet taken the precious time to self-actualize?

I am worried about the language barrier.
I am sad about separating from my family and friends for an extended period of time.
I am concerned about how my internship will develop and progress.
I am excited to connect and build friendships with the natives and other students in Guatemala.
I am thrilled for salsa lessons and salsa dance clubs.
I am delighted to grow and learn as a professional from my internship experience.
I am blessed to have this experience with my husband.
I am looking forward to learning about the culture and trying new things.

Aaron and I are in a waiting period. We are waiting for:
-to be notified about the Gilman Scholarship
-to leave for Guatemala
-to be accepted to the University of Michigan, School of Social Work
-to get a response on various jobs we applied for
-& of course, $$$ for all of the above

We have learned that we are genuinely thankful to have the opportunity to WAIT and test our virtue of patience on such wonderful prospects.

Here is to new experiences and opportunities!

Have a question? Please ask me in the comment section of this blog post. Thanks for reading! :)


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